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13th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 21), Virtual Conference (Bangkok, Thailand)

Hello! Last weekend, we virtually attended the 13th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 21) with our two recent works; "Plant-based Green Wall in Office Environment-Part 1: Real-Time Experiments" and "Plant-based Green Wall in Office Environment-Part 2: Steady-State Numerical Simulations". Both studies were parts of our recent project that focuses on the design and development of vegetation systems in indoor environments to reduce air pollutants and increase indoor air quality. In the first study, Dr Karthik presented the real-time experimental results that were collected over the last 3 months; he showed that the implementation of the green wall system significantly reduce the volatile organic compounds (VOC) and achieves a better indoor air quality while there is no additional energy consumption, unlike the conventional and mechanical solutions.

The second study aims to analyze the airflow behaviour during the steady-state operation of the green wall in the office environment. I explained the main characteristics of the green wall and then mentioned the limitations. boundary conditions, and assumptions of the developed computational model. The results focused on the velocity and air exchange per hour (ACH) trends at horizontal and vertical sections in the whole office area with two different cases; i) green wall case and ii) no green wall case. The green wall operation provided a satisfying improvement in ACH trends while the observed velocity trends did not affect the comfort of the occupants in the office area.

Apart from these short summaries of our two works, I believe the full texts of our works will be published online (and open-access). For those interested in the full texts, please keep following the Energy Proceedings website. On the nature of these works, I would like to thank Dr Karthik and Dr Dubey for their wonderful collaborations and supports.

Update on March 2022: The conference papers can be seen below:

Part I: Part II:

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