My Ph.D. Oral Exam

Long time no see :) But here is some good news! My Ph.D. journey has been officially ended (happy ending:) ) with my Ph.D. Oral Exam at Interdisciplinary Graduate School, Energy Research Institute Office! After submitting the thesis in Jan 2019, and finalizing the external and internal reviewer comments, the Ph.D. Defense has just been done today. It's a given that this 4-year period will be an unforgettable experience in the rest of my life. So, I would like to thank some very important people in my journey. It's not an acknowledgement talk, but some people really deserve huge thanks! First of all, I am sending my biggest thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Fei Duan for his endless support. He is not only my supervisor, but also my academic father. I will always grateful to have him as supervisor and academic father, and of course, I will be proud of being his student, try my best to continue on my progress thanks to his advices. Dr. Swapnil Dubey and Dr. Liming Xiang also deserve big thanks for their helps and understanding during my Ph.D.
The Ph.D. study is an individual work, but I felt the support of my groupmate during the conducted project; therefore, I am sending my thanks to Dr. Qiu Lu, Dr. Kai Wang, Dr. Ji Chenzen, Mr. Qin Zhen, and Mr. Govind Harikumar (Mr. guys will be Dr soon :)). Also, all the groupmates under Prof. Duan's supervision deserve my best regards. In addition, I am grateful to all my friends in Singapore for their supports on my academic and daily life. Last but not least, I thank to my parents and my lovely wife! They always support me for each step! Below, some photos can be seen from my Ph.D. Oral Exam :) (Sorry for the resolutions, they decrease during the uploading process) Hope to write here soon for the new updates!